Where You Can Find Us

Exterior of Old Alumni Center

HR Service Center

Old Alumni Center, Suite 108 Columbia, MO 65211
Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Call (573) 882-2146 or toll free (800) 488-5288

The HR Service Center (HRSC) is dedicated to helping faculty, staff and retirees get answers to questions about all HR matters. All across the UM System, the HRSC responds to questions via phone and requests submitted through AskHR.

Exterior of Jesse Hall

Office of HR

15 Jesse Hall, Columbia, MO 65211
Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Call (573) 882-2146

Historic Jesse Hall is home to a number of HR leaders and staff, and is also where new employees should report to complete their New Employee Registration (NER) on or before their first day of work.

For requests and HR services

Ask HR

Need to make an HR-related request or complete a task?

AskHR is the self-service portal for university faculty and staff to complete common HR actions and submit requests to the HR Service Center.

Whether you're updating personal information, setting up a telework arrangement or asking a question about your insurance coverage, AskHR connects you to the HR resources you need related to benefits, pay, training, workplace support and much more.

Log into AskHR
Illustration cloud showing HR concepts, including a mortar board, ID badge, speech bubbles, piggy bank, health kit, wallet and documents

Common Life and Work Changes

Name Changes

Let the university know to update your employee record and change the legal name or preferred name on file.

Family Changes

Learn about insurance coverage and adding or removing dependents in the event of birth, adoption, marriage, divorce or death.

Leave Options

Get information about medical leave, parental leave options for births and adoptions and other types of leave available.


Learn how to notify the university about your intent to retire and find out more about the benefits available to you in retirement.

Connecting HR to business goals

Strategic HR Partner

If you don’t know your Strategic HR Partner yet, you should. Each college, school and division has a Strategic HR Partner who provides high-quality, business-focused consultation and guidance for HR programs and initiatives.

Learn more about Strategic HR Partners
View of Jesse Dome seen through Memorial Union archway