Each employee has an individual record associated with them, called a(n) (electronic) Personnel Action File (PAF/ePAF). Core details related to the type of job held are recorded here, as well as any changes during one’s career with the university, such as hire date, title, pay rate, retirement and more.

The CAPS Center is committed to providing ePAF training to employees new to ePAF-related duties.

Contact your CAPS representative to arrange special one-on-one training sessions for new ePAF initiators or approvers within a division. Trainings can also be tailored to meet individual requests, such as an employee in a new role, a department-wide training or a Q&A session.

Faculty, staff or student employees may choose to identify themselves within the university community with a preferred first and/or middle name that differs from their legal name. Requests to change preferred name are submitted via email.

Similarly, employees may update their legal name on record in the event of a name change (e.g., following marriage). To change your legal name take your updated Social Security Card to 325 Jesse Hall with a photo ID.

New staff serve a probationary period of six months. If a new employee isn’t able to meet job expectations in that time, a manager can choose to continue their probationary status rather than terminate them. To extend the probationary status, the supervisor should send the recommendation to the department or administrative head and their Strategic HR Partner.


The department is required to notify the employee of the probationary extension in writing prior to their six-month service date. If the employee successfully completes probation before the end of the extension, the employee may have the probationary period lifted. Written notice must also be provided to an employee to lift the probationary period. A copy of the notice provided to the employee for either action must be provided to HR.

Please note that an employee cannot remain in a probationary status for more than nine months.


No ePAF is required to complete this process. Instead, email a copy of the notice provided to the employee to CAPS who can help finalize the process and record the notice in the employee’s PAF file.

An employee’s HR record is made up of multiple job actions. Job actions are submitted to the HR system using ePAF/PAF. Learn more about the different ePAF forms and review supplemental processing support tools.

When an incumbent no longer fills a role at the university (e.g., for a leave of absence, separation, retirement, promotion, transfer, etc.) the empty position can be temporarily filled through an interim appointment. This interim appointment can continue during the absence of the original position holder or for the period a search for a permanent position holder is being conducted.

Because the interim appointment is temporary, special processing procedures take place to track the appointment. Please contact your Strategic HR partner to determine the feasible arrangements, and the CAPS representative to determine how to process the actions.

Different from an overall increase in pay, extra compensation can be available to monthly-paid, benefit-eligible employees for work performed outside their regular duties. This extra compensation requires review and approval. Hourly employees are not eligible for extra compensation as they receive overtime if they work more than 40 hours in a workweek.

When submitting a non-recruit hire if the rehire eligibility process is triggered the ePAF Initiator will receive a warning. In the event of this warning the initiator should stop and send the following email, complete with all relevant information, to their HRBP. HRBP approval, in the form of the email below, will be required for the hire to be approved by CAPS. 


Subject:  Rehire Eligibility Review Needed – Position#/Job Code



Please review for rehire eligibility and reply to this message with approval/denial. 




Position #/Job Code:



If approved, reply to this message with “APPROVED”.  The approval will be attached to the Hire ePAF.

If denied, reply to this message with “DENIED.”  Communicate to the applicant and your hiring team as appropriate.



ePAF - Initiator