As a leader and supervisor of faculty and staff, you play a critical role in developing employees, recognizing contributions, setting expectations, and effectively addressing under-performance. The Office of Human Resources (OHR) is also available to work with you through all stages of the employment lifecycle for faculty and staff. For more information on how HR can partner with you to be an effective leader, please visit the HR Partners webpage.
Compensation is a management tool that you can use to recruit, reward, and retain talent and hard work. Managers use compensation for helping employees grow, setting expectation, rewarding good work and creating a competitive institution among peers. See compensation and classification and the compensation resources for managers to learn more.
Supervisors are expected to consult with their designated partner from the Office of Human Resources before taking performance or conduct-related personnel actions such as Performance Improvement Plans (PIPs), disciplinary actions and suspensions, probation extensions and terminations and all involuntary separations, including dismissal for cause. HR will seek further advice and engage the Office of General Counsel (OGC) as appropriate.
Prior to any termination and in consultation with HR, supervisors are responsible for:
- Gathering applicable documentation
- Being prepared to articulate a clear explanation of the circumstances
- Meeting with a designated partner from HR for review
- Including a representative from HR in all termination discussions with employees
For related information, see Separations and Transfers.
To succeed, ongoing training and development is essential. Mechanisms are in place to allow faculty and staff a variety of opportunities in which they can grow and thrive within their chosen professions.
- Staff: Development leave for Administrative, Service, and Support employees is available for a up to a full year. For more information, please visit HR-406 Development Leave.
- Faculty: MU is committed to the development of its faculty across the career span and in a wide variety of sectors. Learn about MU Development Programs.
The University of Missouri is committed to supporting, valuing and empowering employees. Positive recognition for meaningful contributions honors that commitment and supports employee engagement, productivity, and strong retention rates. Positive recognition also strengthens our teams and organizational culture.
As a leader of a team, you play a key role in recognizing the contributions and career milestones of employees. The following guidance and list of resources can help you appropriately honor your team members.
- Tips for supervisors
- Award programs for faculty and staff:
- Mizzou thank you card templates
Flexible work arrangements are any arrangements that provide an employee alternatives to working regularly scheduled hours in the office or typical work location. Flexibility can be accomplished without changing a department’s regular hours of operation or altering the responsibility or authority of supervisors.
Performance appraisals are dedicated times where faculty and staff reflect on areas of good progress as well as places to grow. Some appraisals include a rating that is recorded as part of an employee’s record, while others are less structured. All performance conversations, both formal or informal, help assess the past, plan for the future and move forward together.
- Staff: ePerformance is the university’s performance management program for staff. Learn more about the schedule, rating scale and optional training resources on the ePerformance Progress Check-Ins webpage.
- Faculty: myVITA is a web-based faculty activity reporting system that allows faculty members at all UM System campuses to report on their research, teaching, service, scholarship and creative works. All tenured, tenure-track, and ranked non-tenure-track are evaluated in myVITA. Learn more about evaluation procedures and timeline from the Office of the Provost and promotion and tenure resources.
Performance management is the process of ongoing conversation between a supervisor and an employee, with the goal of supporting the growth and development of the employee while ensuring goals and objectives are successfully met. The following resources will provide guidance on effective coaching, establishing a culture of feedback, and managing specific performance management issues.
Stay interviews
Increasing faculty and staff engagement and retention within your organization enhances productivity and organizational success. Learn more about university resources to assist leaders with stay interviews.
- Positive Feedback in Four Steps (2 minutes)
- Giving Constructive Feedback (4 minutes)
- Polishing Your Feedback Skills (34 minutes)
- Assessing and Managing Virtual Team Performance (3 minutes)
When you are preparing to recruit and hire, please contact your recruitment team or your Strategic HR Partner before you begin and ensure you are aware of relevant resources and an effective plan to assist with recruiting for the right skills and competencies:
- Ensure you have an accurate position description which reflects goals and expectations
- Consider utilizing the Employee Referral Incentive Program (hot jobs)
- Follow a clear and consistent hiring process
- Always conduct reference checks

Recruitment Toolkit
From posting a job opening to background checks and beyond, the HR Recruitment team helps support departments in finding quality applicants and processing new hires.
As part of this support, the team offers the faculty/staff recruitment toolkit that contains step-by-step tutorials, template documents, related recruitment forms and other resources and contacts to ensure a smooth process in attracting and hiring applicants.
Effective supervisors are foundational to a healthy organization. The following resources are intended to provide supervisors the information they need to effectively lead their team while being compliant with applicable laws and following university policies.
Training and Resources
- The Supervisor Development Series is a seven-course program geared toward employees who are new to a position with supervisory responsibility.
- Missouri Training Institute offers consultations and trainings for leaders and teams. Visit Missouri Training Institute - Programs | MU Extension for more information.
- Manager’s Toolbox- Whether you're a manager, a mentor, or an advisor in your field, get help for each stage of the career management process: ask, explore, and do.
- The MU Code of Conduct outlines expectations for supervisors (pg. 7).
- HR-101 Employee Status
- HR-204 Graduate and Undergraduate Student Titles
- HR-205 Classification and Compensation
- CRR Section 320.070: Academic Appointments
- CRR Section 310.035: Non-Tenure Track Appointments
Supervisor responsibilities
- HR-125 Employment Records
- HR-217 Emergency Closure and Transition to Remote Operations
- HR-405 FMLA
- HR-519 Consensual Romantic Relationship Policy
- HR-522 Telework Arrangements
- Collection of Policies for Service and Maintenance Employees
- CRR Section 310.030: Notice of Academic Appointment or Resignation
- Promotion and Tenure
Grievance related policies