Additional pay to monthly, benefit-eligible employees for work performed outside their regular duties is considered extra compensation requiring review and approval pursuant to Collected Rules and Regulations, Section 360.010: Extra Compensation and HR Policy Manual HR-214 Extra Compensation, unless it qualifies as summer pay. Hourly employees are not eligible for extra compensation as they receive overtime if they work more than 40 hours in a workweek.

The following positions are not eligible for extra compensation:

  • Hourly employees are not eligible for extra compensation as they receive overtime if they work more than 40 hours in a workweek.
  • Academic administrators at the Dean level or higher, including the Provost Office, Chancellor, and President.

Extra compensation payments are generally processed on an ePAF - Additional Pay Form or, in exceptional situations, may be processed on an ePAF – Hire form (e.g., as a concurrent job paid on an hourly basis). The appropriate approvals must occur outside of ePAF and be attached to the ePAF – Additional Pay (Form UM 273) (PDF).

For COLUM, the Request for Extra Compensation (PDF) form is required regardless of the amount of extra compensation being paid to document the nature of the extra compensation and the employee’s current duties. The form should be completed prior to the performance of the work.

  • For academic employees, completion of the course load and other responsibilities is required.
  • The department who initiated the work and is funding the payment is responsible for completion of required forms (i.e., Request for Extra Compensation form and ePAF).

The extra compensation earn code EXT will be used when the payment is processed through additional pay. The default earnings code for the employee’s pay group will be used when the payment is processed through a job record. See HR Policy Manual HR-202 FLSA Status for limitations on hours worked for exempt employees who also work in nonexempt secondary appointments.

The dean or appropriate unit head (or a designee) approves all extra compensation, notes their approval on the form (not via email) and forwards to either the provost (for academic units) or the the Office of Human Resources Executive Director associate (for non-academic units) for signature. Once all approvals have been obtained, submit the appropriate ePAF with approval attached.

Across Multiple Departments

Extra compensation across multiple departments requires signatures from both departments and approvals from the department of the employee’s primary appointment. The primary department must be informed of the proposed work and has the discretion to determine if the extra compensation is appropriate. In addition to approvals as described above, department funding the extra compensation must process the paperwork and sign authorizing to fund the payment.

Across Multiple Campuses

When the extra compensation involves multiple campuses, the employee’s home campus governs what approvals are required (based on where the employee’s primary appointment exists). The employee’s home department has the right to determine whether the extra compensation is appropriate. The department paying for the extra compensation should process the paperwork and provide signature approval authorizing to fund the payment. The ePAF should be initiated by the funding campus, and the workflow will deliver to the home campus (i.e., the campus where the employee holds a benefit eligible appointment) who will then need to obtain appropriate approvals as dictated by their campus policy. Delegated authority to approve the payment resides on the employee’s home campus not the campus that is paying for the work. Therefore, the HR office on the funding campus does not need to approve the payment.

The HR/Payroll office on the employee’s home campus will be responsible for ePAF approval of the fully approved extra comp request. All documentation will be imaged in the employee’s personnel file on the campus which holds the employee’s benefit eligible primary appointment.