In general, the university posts vacancies for a minimum of five days in order to provide equal opportunity and to make a good faith effort to provide affirmative action recruitment. Departments also frequently advertise in publications of general circulation or those intended to target applicants with specific qualifications. With limited and specific exceptions, jobs are listed with the Missouri state job service agency when not intending to fill from within the university.
Most competitively posted position openings follow a cycle in five stages as outlined in the categories below. For more information on recruiting, laying groundwork for candidate search and search committees, visit the faculty/staff recruitment toolkit.
Division/Department Hiring Administrator Reviews and Submits Posting
- Hiring administrator enters the job and marketing information for the job posting into Recruiting module
- Hiring administrator sets a specific begin and end date for the posting
- Departments can select a specific posting timeframe or use the following guidelines based on the type of position:
- Office Administrative Support : 1 week
- Internal Union: 5 business days
- External Union: 2 weeks
- Technical: 2 weeks
- Administrative Professional: 1 month
- Departments can select a specific posting timeframe or use the following guidelines based on the type of position:
- Hiring administrator submits the posting to Human Resources for approval
- HR recruiter enters minimum qualification screening questions and works with the hiring administrator to develop screening questions for preferred qualifications
HR Recruiter Approves Job Posting and Position Posts to the Website
- HR recruiter requests security access and receives email from the security team when approved
- HR recruiter adds requested employees to the hiring team if needed
Applicants Apply Online
- Applicants complete an application with work history, education, and answer screening questions, etc.
- In addition, external Applicants complete a personal profile section
- Applicants remain in “Applied” status (visible only to HR) until screened by HR Recruiter
HR Recruiter Screens and Routes Applications of Qualified Applicants
- Applications are screened using the automated screening function (screening questions)
- All applications must be submitted online; any applicants who forward application materials directly should be directed to submit the application online.
- Applications meeting minimum qualifications and preferred qualifications, if applicable, are updated to “Route” status daily, making them viewable to department
Interviewer/Search Committee Conducts Selection Process
- Interviewer/search committee determines who to interview
- Hiring administrator updates applicant disposition to record candidates being interviewed, and candidates no longer being considered
- Hiring administrators are required to identify the individuals being interviewed.
- Hiring administrators do not need to disposition all applications which are routed to them.
- Changing the disposition to “Invite for Interview” notifies the HR recruiter of the intent to interview so discipline and separation issues can be checked as a first step in documenting compliance with Equal Employment Opportunity Commission guidelines.
- Department schedules interview and communicates with the selected qualified candidates
Interviewer/Search Committee Interviews Select Candidates
- Interviewer/search committee creates an interview plan
- Number of interviews, as applicable (preliminary phone screening, finalist round, etc.)
- Determine who will be involved at each point of the selection process
- Establish where interviews will take place
- Obtain copies of the job description and departmental organizational chart for reference
- Check evaluation criteria
- Interviewer/Search committee plans interview structure and flow
- Introductions, build rapport, set agenda, describe the job and the university
- Determine which questions to ask. See HR Policy Manual HR-110 Interviewing for guidelines.
- Wrap up and next steps.
- Interviewer/search committee conducts interviews and selects final candidate
- Candidates are screened based on the established interview plan
- Preliminary Interview Evaluation Form (PDF) (optional)
- Interview Evaluation Form (WordDoc)
- Interview notes are retained in the confidential eHRFile. See HR Policy Manual HR-105 Employment Documentation for details
- Contact Human Resources for more sample interview questions or assistance with interviewing.
- Candidates are screened based on the established interview plan
Hiring Administrator Checks References and Offer Information
- Contact final candidate references
- Use the sample Reference Check Form (WordDoc) if helpful.
- Obtain salary approval and prepare a job offer by recording base compensation in the Prepare job offer section of eRecruit with the following:
- Salary information (including moving expenses and hiring incentive if applicable)
- Cover letter information (entered in “Comments” field):
- Rate of pay (hourly rate for non-exempt positions; monthly rate for exempt positions)
- Approved working title (if applicable)
- Full-time equivalency (FTE)
- Anticipated start date
- Work address
- Time to report on first day of work
- Supervisor name and contact information
- Sets up additional offer approvers in Recruiting module, if applicable
- Note: The addition of approvers is optional based on Division/Department procedures regarding who approves offers
HR Recruiter Confirms Offer
- HR recruiter checks the following:
- Minimum qualifications for the position are met (manually reviews final candidate’s application)
- Candidate is eligible for hire (e.g., no terminations for disqualifying reason)
- Department indicated who was interviewed in Recruiting module
- Offer complies with university policy (e.g., meets administrative guidelines), consulting HR or department personnel if necessary
- Once approved, HR recruiter creates offer letter and uploads into the “Attachments” section of the job opening
- Template part-time offer letter (WordDoc)
- Hiring incentive agreement (PDF)
- Moving allowance agreement (PDF)
Department/Hiring Administrator Extends Offer
- After receiving confirmation from HR Recruiter, the hiring administrator may extend the offer to the final candidate.
- The hiring department will provide the final candidate with an offer letter or candidate instruction letter.
Offer is Accepted
- Hiring administrator updates the candidate disposition to Offer Accepted in the recruiting module.
- HR recruit team receives notification of the accepted offer and sets up finalist for a pre-employment criminal background check through the recruiting module
- Hiring administrator indicates rejection reason in Recruiting module for all candidates who were interviewed but not offered the job
- Hiring administrator sends correspondence through Recruiting module for all non-interviewed candidates
Criminal Background Check and EMPLID Creation
- In most cases, the final candidate for a university position is required to undergo a criminal background check (CBC). See Criminal Background Check webpage for details.
- No CBC required: HR Recruit Specialist will notify NER when no CBC is required and NER will initiate the hire e-Form.
- CBC Required: New Employee Registration (NER) staff monitors the criminal background check (CBC) database for results
- If the CBC contains any convictions, an HR recruiter reviews for job relevance
- HR Recruiter adjudicates all CBC reports
- The finalist cannot begin work until an acceptable background check is returned
- Based on CBC results:
- CBC is acceptable:
- NER staff creates the EMPLID (for new employees), informs hiring administrator that candidate is eligible for hire, and provides EMPLID to Hiring administrator.
- NER staff initiates the Prepare for Hire action which creates a Hire eForm. This ePAF drives to the Work List for the department initiator(s).
- CBC is not acceptable: HR Recruiter notify to rescind the offer (HRP might also be involved with decision and communication).
- CBC is acceptable:
- Certain positions requiring a commercial drivers license may also be subject to a drug test. In these instances, use the Controlled Substance and Alcohol Testing Request Form (PDF).
Hiring Administrator Notifies Other Candidates and Prepares for Onboarding
- Confirm finalist’s start date including information in the offer approval comments or by contacting Human Resources.
- Ensure the ePAF and other hire forms are initiated. Contact a CAPS representative with questions.
- Notify other interviewees that the position has been filled using the Send Correspondence feature and email templates available in eRecruit.
- Update the disposition of these applicants to “Reject” with the appropriate reason for non-selection.
- Sending correspondence to other applicants who applied but were not selected for interviews is also appropriate.
- New employee registration
- Employment eligibility I-9
- Controlled substance and alcohol testing form
Department Processes Hire Paperwork
- Department initiator reviews the existing data on the Hire eForm in workflow, and updates and uploads documents as needed.
- Additional data may include MoCode, JED information, work phone and work address.
- Attaches signed offer letter.
- Completed Hire eForm is approved at the division level and pushed to Office of HR for final review and approval.
- If the finalist is a new hire or rehire, submission of the eForm triggers an onboarding email to the finalist’s email address provided for the background check. This email contains information about how to access the documents that must be completed before the first day of work.
Human Resources Closes the Job Listing
- Once onboarding is complete, HR reviews and approves the Hire eForm.
- As the final reviewer, HR approval loads the hire form in PeopleSoft HR/Payroll database to create or update a job record.
- This will cause the applicant status to change to Hired, and, if appropriate, the job opening will update to “Filled/Closed.”
Hiring Administrator Ensures New Employee Orientation
- All new full-time, benefit-eligible staff employees must attend New Employee Orientation (see HR-108 Orientation).
- Visit the Information for New Employees page to access schedule of upcoming sessions, or call 882-7976.
- Pre-registration is required